Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Link Segment Tool

The Link Segment tool filters the results by the output from a linked document. You can use it to And, Include or Exclude previous saved segments from the current calculation.

For example, if you are sending an e-mail offer to a segment of customers, you can use this tool to suppress customers who had been contacted recently with a similar offer.


  1. Drag the Link Segment tool to the Workspace.
  2. Select the required join operator, (some options will only be available once multiple link segment tools are added ), for example:

  1. Click the Browse button to launch the Document Explorer to locate and select the required document. All document types are supported.
  2. Select the required document and click the Select button.

The Preview icon is displayed. Click the icon to view a snapshot of the selected document in a new floating window. The snapshot includes the segment parameters and the associated counts.

  1. If changes have been made to the document since the last time it was run or saved, it will be marked with an asterisk (*). Click the Run button to recalculate the results so that you are using the most recent ones.

Further changes to the linked segment will not be reflected in the current calculation until the segment is re-run in the same way.

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